

Long have I missed the catharsis of writing. For the unknown readers, known, or just the vouyueristic. A tad untimely, i must admit. Considering the state of my revisions now, still ploughing through my chemistry notes right now *fine not exactly now* at 11, 1 day before the freaking preliminaries, with no end in sight. Isn't too appropriate. But screw it.
Just had a frupucinno *however you spell that. ask the teenyboppers around* my mum bought with a hershey bar. I can totally feel myself getting fat already bahh. And especially discomforting if i am through eating such food at such weird hours. Hais. What studying does to you...
Blah blah. I'm seriously going to consider an overseas tertiary education, in god knows what cause i still do not know yet. Its amazing how going through my notes did i just realise what a complete and utter bloody slob i have been in my work. Well i could blame it on just how dry and weary the content of a jc education is, but that aint going to help anything - im already 2 months from the end. God knows whats in store for me. But THEN AGAIN perhaps theres no god. Master of my own fate? Psst. Two months of work isnt going to get me anywhere. Im not Glen or Gabriel. Bloody hell, but there isnt anything wrong with being myself is there?
Ok enough of my bullshit. I'll just take a step at a time, as time goes by, i just hope i'd see the light *cheesy* haha. Realistically, architecture seems rather attainable and interesting for me now. Straight B's? Hahaa. No way in hell would i take engineering or chemistry related courses. I know myself well enough to know i wouldnt put it the effort for what i have no interest in - jc has been a fabulous example.

What the hell has gotten into me? Stupid long aunty post. Argh. Im such a homo. Alright fucking chemistry, back at you for another few hours. Hais. This not the life i want, honestly. But it'll be over... soon :/

How are we going to bid goodbye, if it doesn't turn out right?

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